Donaldson Filtration
Why Choose Donaldson Filtration
When it comes to filtration, Donaldson Filters should be the first name on the tip of your tongue. Donaldson Filtration Solutions has been a filtration industry leader for 100 years, and can trace its company history all the way back to 1915, when Frank Donaldson, Sr. devised an air cleaner for a customer's tractor. since then the company has grown to be a global capacity, innovating inventive and dependable solutions for a wide variety of filtration applications.
Donaldson Filters
Today, a vast, world-wide network of scientists and engineers, utilizing state-of-the-art laboratories and technology, work together with in-house resources to continuously advance manufacturing techniques and innovations to propel the company forward. With the aid of a corporate library and design verification centers, Donaldson Filtration works hard to stay ahead of the curve, anticipating changes in a constantly evolving world of filtration needs. Boasting over a 140 operation centers spread out over 40 nations, Donaldson Filters is comprised of thousands of employees working together to satisfy customer needs and help them realize their diversified visions. Serving a wide range of industries, including everything from agriculture to aerospace programs, Donaldson filters can be seen all around the globe on everything from farm equipment to rocket engines.
Growing With the World
You may be interested to know that Donaldson Filters Solutions provides excellent opportunities for up-and-coming stars of technology, industry, and communications, just to name a few career fields offered by Donaldson in its attempt to keep up with a diverse, and ever changing marketplace. Donaldson offers mentoring programs, training opportunities, and even tuition sharing programs. A company of sound work ethics, and a strong sense of giving back to the community, Donaldson is proud of its many generations of employees who have established themselves as generous philanthropists. Donating time and energy, as well as large sums of money, Donaldson and its employees strive to give back to the community by helping numerous organizations on both a local and regional status. And, the Donaldson Foundation provides scholarships and partnerships, and sponsors exchange students, as well.
Why Choose Donaldson Filters?
It's a question best answered by considering the company as a whole. Not only does Donaldson Filtration Solutions provide the world with quality, dependable filters and filtration systems for almost everything under the sun, the company takes its credibility and reputation seriously, always looking to stay ahead of the competition and on top of the next ground-breaking innovation. And, considering Donaldson's commitment to both the world community and the future, why would you not choose their products?
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